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So, you want to
Level up your business?

Is it possible to overcome fear, doubt, procrastination, & self-sabotage?


Are you…

Ready to shift out of scarcity and finally become the most aligned, abundant version of yourself? 

Wanting to learn how to master your craft and market your skills to sell out with ease?

Ready to break past the inconsistent sales months and start calling in soul-aligned clients who are EXCITED to pay you?

Down for breaking up with overwhelm, bad habits, fear, and your limiting beliefs?

Imagine you could:

Feel confident and abundant every day to the point that you feel grateful when you pay bills, buy groceries, and chip away at your debt.

See a steady increase of income that let you feel self-assured that you’re headed in the right direction and you won’t ever need to pursue a soul-crushing office job again.

Take action on all the ideas you have instead of feeling scattered or worrying about whether you’re making the right decision.

Release your attachment to income so you can revel in a service-based mindset that naturally attracts clients or customers who WANT to pay you.

…And finally be seen as the unique expert you truly are.

It’s time you got you business in alignment.

I went within.

I had to look to the highest version of myself (a.k.a. “Million Dollar Jessie”) and asked myself how SHE ran her business. How would she approach my issues? What would she think about how I ran my business? How would she show up as a business owner?

I took a hard look at the different areas of my business and what wasn’t serving me. I fired some clients. I changed my programs. I raised my prices. I revamped my schedule and strategy. I deepened my knowledge of sales. And I gave myself permission to truly be myself on social media.

I got real.

I sold out.

When I made sure that every area of my business reflected who I authentically was, versus who I thought my audience wanted me to be, I started showing up as that Million Dollar version of myself. Before I knew it, clients were flocking TO ME. I sold out my 1:1 coaching spots and made almost $30k in sales in three weeks.


Chelsea Arnold

Jessie is truly the badass intuitive I aspire to be! She has helped me really hone in on my gifts and taught me how to take them and create a badass business full of all my energy to bring in an income!

It took me two days after our business strategy call to watch that money FLOW in with so much ease. It was amazing to watch my gifts that I knew I had blossom into this tangible business—with her guidance it grows into so much more! In every call we have together she provides awesome general life advice, tips on how to master my craft, and guides me to make some very uncomfortable but well-needed business decisions!

Kasey Renee Todd

I had been thinking about upping my game and hiring a coach for a while, but I had a hard time finding someone that I resonated with me. I ran across Jessie and I sucked on – she not only spoke my language, but she had no problem saying, “Girl, just GO!” Then there was this funny thing – we both wear our hair in the same twisty side braid, and both have awesome glasses.

If I never talked to Jessie EVER again, she left me with a message that I touched my soul like a sledgehammer! She said, “Just show up for yourself.” 

Ever since that moment, I tell myself, MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY to just show up! Then I do and great things happen (over and over). Those 5 words changed my life. 

Jessie is more than a coach; she will now be a connection for life.

Lindsey Graves

Jessie’s warm heart makes you feel like you have been friends forever, and her fiery spirit and no-bullshit attitude gives you the push you need to succeed!

Learn how I made $30k in 2 weeks after 8 months of nada.

During the first eight months of business, I made small sales here and there. Every time I thought, “This is it! This is the moment it all changes!”

And then without fail, I would return to crickets.

It took me a long time to figure out just what was wrong:

My biggest enemy was myself.

My mindset wasn’t aligned at all, and I was treating my business like a hobby, rather than my full-time career as a business owner and CEO. I realized I saw it as temporary or something I would do until I got overwhelmed and gave up.

That thought process showed up in every aspect of my business. I attracted scattered, noncommittal clients whom I had to chase down for payments. My programs fell flat. I struggled with sales. 

So, I went deep. I made tons of mindset shifts. I changed how I invested in myself and my business.

And once I mastered my mindset in all areas of my business, I did it. I sold out my 1:1 coaching packages and made almost $30,000 in two weeks.

The key to massive abundance is mastering your mindset and creating your soul-aligned energy.

I want to give you the shortcut to massive abundance so you don’t have to struggle for a year (or years) to start making consistent income in your business.

The process is simple: Get aligned and you’ll get abundance.


Think your dreams are too far out of reach?


Week 1: Mindset & Intuition

Build the Foundation

Establish a mindset for a sustainable business by diving into your thoughts abd beliefs. Determine how you view yourself and your business and show up as a CEO.

Analyze your shit

Ever considered that maybe these fears don’t belong to you? Discover where you got your money story and how to rewrite it. Plus, learn the difference between manifesting money versus luxury.

Take Inventory

Where in your business is your mindset holding you back? We talk about how to tell if your beliefs and actions are aligned. We’ll also tackle popular problems like procrastination and self-sabotage.

Make it personal

Did you realize your personal habits can limit your business success? Here is where we talk about the functional purpose of guilt (why we have it and how we can use it to grow), self-sacrifice and charging your worth, people pleasing and redefining your boundaries, and understanding “rebellion” energy.

Week 2: Aligned clients

Scarcity versus choice

Are you taking clients from a misaligned mindset about money or because you want to work with them?

Dare to dream

Identify your ideal client and get into their shoes so you can speak directly to them and their problems.

Live to love

Is your soul connected to your current and future clients? How to handle a client breakup.


Qualifying your clients to ensure you’re really calling in clients who are EXCITED to pay you what you’re worth!

Week 3: Aligned Programs

Examine what you have

Do your current programs light you up? Are your clients excited for them? Are they selling? 

Tapping in

Learn to tap into your natural gifts to teach and share what you LOVE (and make $$$ from it)! 

Tuning in

How to identify what exactly your ideal client is craving by understanding what they truly need.

Get irresistible

Break down your content flow with your ideal client in mind so you can make an impactful program that creates massive results for your clients.

Week 4: Aligned Rates

Review & Reflect

Are you getting paid enough? How to tell if you need to raise your prices. Spoiler alert: You probably do.

Find inspiration

What to do with industry-specific research and determining how your rates factor into them. 

Value versus price

I’ll break down exactly how to price out your program so you feel confident selling it and your client feels confident that they’re getting an incredible deal. Never feel like you need to justify your prices again!

Diversify & Multiply

How to create multiple offers so you can up your sales volume and work smarter, not harder.

Week 5: Aligned socials

Find your voice

Is your message clear? Are you showing up as your authentic self? Or are you writing from a place of trying to guess what people want to hear?

pinterest perfect

Selling products or write a blog? Learn how to leverage Pinterest for sales and views. A surprisingly effective method for anyone looking to grow their Instagram as well!

Instagram game

Get a crash course in growing your following without using any third-party apps or hiring any sketchy pay-for-follows accounts.

Facebook face off

If you’re just auto-posting to Facebook from Instagram, we have A LOT to learn. Get the most effective tips for connecting with potential clients by meeting them where they are.

Week 6: Aligned Sales

Land some easy wins

How to nurture your warm market and trust your intuition so you can make some easy sales that build your confidence from the beginning. 


Take a look at what is and isn’t serving you in how you approach your business. Develop confidence in learning what and when to invest in outsourcing.

Book out your calendar

Get top tips on strategies that are sure to increase your discovery calls so you can sell out your premium offers. 

Close with confidence

Learn the best way to crush a sales call for a higher close rate. We’re talking about getting you in the 90% range!

Your chance to join ends in:









Unlocking the power of your million-dollar self

Get intuitive

Whether you call it a gut feeling or instinct, we all have unique psychic gifts. Intuition is the most powerful force in your business. Get tips and resources on how you can get in touch with your ultimate internal compass so it can guide you on your authentic path to success.

Banish bad habits

We procrastinate and self-sabotage for a reason. Learn why you do this and how you can finally break the ruthless cycle that keeps your motivation and self-esteem down.

Identify your money blocks

Money blocks are subconscious beliefs we hold deep down that keep us stuck. Find out what the most common ones are, how you can pinpoint your personal blocks, and action steps you can take to dismantle them.

Create time

When you align and streamline your business, it almost feels as if you’ve created more hours in the day. I’m not handing out time turners, but I can promise that you’ll finally feel like you can breathe again—while generating an income.


  • Plagued by scarcity mindset so I was afraid to spend money on anything, even if it would benefit me or my business. Those investments I did make didn’t seem to yield the results I wanted.
  • Feeling like I had tried everything and nothing fully clicked. Blowing through my savings, a cashed-out 401(k) and faced with bills and debt.
  • Any money that came in seemed to go right back out just as quickly from unforeseen expenses. Difficulty making any sales and breaking past moderate success.
  • Professional procrastinator and self-saboteur so any success I found seemed to be followed by a huge (preventable) setback.


  • Feeling abundant and paying my bills with gratitude. Sold out 1:1 coaching with $30k in sales within two weeks.
  • Taking action on ALL my ideas by creating programs with ease, running a podcast, and engaging in a dynamic sales strategy.
  • Unafraid of being seen or showing up to serve. The more I give, the more I seem to receive. Getting recognized for my genius.
  • Clients flocking to me to pay for my services and advice. Money flows to me easily AND STAYS THERE.

A li’l sumpin’ sumpin’


highest self meditation

Resusable & Timeless

Get a guided meditation that connects you with the best version of yourself as a business owner so you can tap into your intuition and make empowered decisions in your business every day.

seeing to believe

This meditation will give you the opportunity to clearly visualize what you want your next level as a business owner to look like so you can continue making it a reality. 


scarcity mindset inventory

The roadmap to release

Scarcity often impacts us beyond our businesses. This inventory will help you identify where in your personal life, relationships, home, etc., you’re experiencing scarcity so you can super-charge your alignment process.

Resource library

No matter where in your life you feel scarce, I have a resource for you. Get a list of my best recommendations to help you align at an even faster rate so you can unlock the abundant mindset you need to succeed.

Chelsea Arnold

Jessie is truly the badass intuitive I aspire to be! She has helped me really hone in on my gifts and taught me how to take them and create a badass business full of all my energy to bring in an income!

It took me two days after our business strategy call to watch that money FLOW in with so much ease. It was amazing to watch my gifts that I knew I had blossom into this tangible business—with her guidance it grows into so much more! In every call we have together she provides awesome general life advice, tips on how to master my craft, and guides me to make some very uncomfortable but well-needed business decisions!

Kasey Renee Todd

I had been thinking about upping my game and hiring a coach for a while, but I had a hard time finding someone that I resonated with me. I ran across Jessie and I sucked on – she not only spoke my language, but she had no problem saying, “Girl, just GO!” Then there was this funny thing – we both wear our hair in the same twisty side braid, and both have awesome glasses.

If I never talked to Jessie EVER again, she left me with a message that I touched my soul like a sledgehammer! She said, “Just show up for yourself.” 

Ever since that moment, I tell myself, MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY to just show up! Then I do and great things happen (over and over). Those 5 words changed my life. 

Jessie is more than a coach; she will now be a connection for life.

Lindsey Graves

Jessie’s warm heart makes you feel like you have been friends forever, and her fiery spirit and no-bullshit attitude gives you the push you need to succeed!









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Take control of your success by getting aligned to unlock abundance.


  • You love a challenge and the dirtier the better. You’re not afraid of exploring painful memories if it will help free you.
  • You’re open-minded to trying new approaches and are willing to experiment in your business.
  • You value community and friendship. You participate in groups and you’re willing to hold space for others.
  • You value action-taking steps. You might need to vent now and then, but ultimately you’re looking for solutions.
  • You believe in something higher than yourself whether that’s God, the universe, the Force, etc.


  • You don’t like digging into the muck of your subconscious. We’ll revisit childhood, painful relationships, trauma, and more.
  • You aren’t willing to try a new approach in your business. The status quo won’t fly in here.
  • You aren’t capable of holding space for others and openly sharing support. You like to “lurk” in groups.
  • You would rather complain than find a working solution to your problem.
  • You don’t believe in magic, manifestation, a higher power, ANYTHING beyond the physical plane around us.


What's included?

Six mastermind calls covering everything mindset, marketing, and strategy. A private Facebook group to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and business owners, ask questions, celebrate, and receive support as you grow.

BONUS: A meditation on what your next-level self and business look like so you can learn to trust your intuition. PLUS, a scarcity audit to check in with what mindset blocks are holding you back.

Do I need to be a coach?

Nope! I love all business owners. And the best part is that all the programming will be customized for the needs of the group.

Do you work with Men?

Gender is a social construct. I work with everyone.

Do you offer A payment plan?

Yes, I offer a weekly payment plan for this program. All you need to do is pay the deposit option and you will receive a weekly invoice thereafter for the duration of the program.

What if I have a question not listed here?

Email me or book a discovery call (NOT a free coaching call).

What happens
after I buy?

You get your personal materials

In June, you’ll get access to the guided meditation and your scarcity mindset inventory. This will allow you to start seeing where you need to improve on your own during our journey together.

You'll be added to the facebook group

Expect to participate beyond introductions. This is a group to get vulnerable and share your experiences so you can learn from others as you discover more about yourself and your business.

You will attend weekly zoom classes

Each week’s mastermind call will be hosted on Zoom, Thursdays at 5 p.m. EST. If you can’t make it, drop your questions in the group and watch the replay. Attending live will prove most beneficial.









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6 payments of
