Chapter 10

Riding the Money Manifestation Wave is tough. Navigating the drama surrounding the ups and downs is tiring and demotivating, to say the least. But remember! It’s all about honoring where you are. Hell, *I* am still riding the money manifestation wave five years into this journey!

The process will get better, and your subconscious will ditch its attachment to the drama when it’s ready. In the meantime, these resources can help.

Calm TF Down

Use this meditation whenever you need to forgive your past self for their mistakes so you can feel calm and safe with money again. Embrace the drama and find the lesson in it.

Turn Your Year AroundToday

I don’t care if it’s January, July, or October. You can still turn your year around and make the money you want.

BYYI was a 5-day program I led in January 2022 that helped a small group of entrepreneurs kick their money goal’s ass that year.

One attendee used the info to land a dream job. She still messages me every few months to say how grateful she was for this li’l course.

Debt Reframe Role Models

Martha Stewart, photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore.

9 Multimillionaires Who Lost It All but Came Back

I don’t know if you remember this, but DIY homemaking queen Martha Stewart once went to prison. In 2003, she was charged with insider trading for selling her shares in a biotech company. She spent five months in prison, paid $195,000 in fines, and had to step down from her own company for five years.

She’s far from the only one! Deep Patel wrote this article for Entrepreneur in 2019 and it’s one I revisit any time I feel like I’m too far from my dreams to make them happen.

As he wrote in the subhead, “You’re never so rich you can’t go broke and you’re never so broke you can’t get rich.”

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